Object counter

Object counter using ir sensor with arduino uno Source code for Arduino  Ir Sensor based object counter  //@BigEdx youtube channel for electrical and electronics project. #include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2…

Automatic parking barrier controls project

Automatic parking barrier controls project using Arduino uno and ultrasonic sensor Arduino program code.. #include<Servo.h> Servo myservo; const int trigPin=5; const int echoPin=6; long timeduration; int distance; vo…

Servomotor control using LDR

Microservo motor control using LDR  Hello friends in this blog you are learn How to control a micro servomotor using LDR Components required  1. Arduino uno 2. Micro servomotor  3. LDR (Light dependent resistor) 4. 1k Ohm resisto…

Solar tracking system

Welcome to my new blog In this blog you are learn how to make the singal axis solar tracking system project using arduino uno and LDR light dependent resistor.  Components required  1. Arduino Uno   1  2.  LDR  2  3.  1K Resistor…

Servomotor control using Ir sensor

Servomotor control using Ir sensor   To in this blog I will be explain How to control Micro Servo motor using IR sensor and Arduino Uno R3 So, if you want to learn about this small project please stay this page. Components requir…

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