Laser light security system
A laser light Security System is a type of security and alarm system that use laser light and LDR light dependent Resistor as a light sensor Generally different types of security systems are use to protects our homes, lockers offices, and banks etc, from unauthorised access and intrusion. The laser light security system is based on laser light. This security system is the most important and efficient type of security systems.
It acts as a stand alone security system, which gives some sound or noise as a alarm continuous if any person don't reset this alarm, when it detects any irregular activity, or this security system can be part of home automation security system which can send a call or a message to the owner ete.
In this project, I have designed a simple circuit by using LDR as a light sensor which acts as a switch and by increasing or decreasing the resistance of the circuit,here the laser light reach on LDR from the laser pointer continue, when laser light not reached on LDR then circuit triggers and give an alarm.
Table of Contents.
1) Components Required
2) Component Description
3) Circuit Diagram
4) Working of the Project
1. Components required.
- LM358 (Op – Amp IC
- NE555 (Timer IC)
- 3 x 10 KΩ Resistors (1/4 Watt)
- 220 Ω Resistors (1/4 Watt 10 KΩ
- Potentiometer
- BC547 (NPN Transistor)
- Small Buzzer
- 100 nmF Capacitor (Ceramic Disc Type Capacitor – Code 104)
- Push Button
- Laser Pointer
- 9V Battery
- Connecting Wires
- PCB Plate